• 6 Questions to Ask Your Digital Agency About Programmatic Buying

    With so many brands vying for consumer attention, people are overwhelmed by options and information, leaving little bandwidth for ads that aren’t immediately relevant. A 2023 survey found that 73% of consumers wanted fewer messages than they got in 2022, and 27% of those surveyed feel “bombarded” by the number of messages they receive. Marketers need to get incredibly precise about targeting to make a stronger impact and avoid contributing to consumers feeling overwhelmed.

    Programmatic buying overcomes many of the issues by using data and algorithms to purchase ad space in real-time, allowing advertisers to target specific audiences and optimize ad placements. It’s crucial for efficiency, precision, and reaching the right audience at the right time, which improves campaign performance and ROI while reducing wasteful spending. However, it takes expert help to get programmatic buying strategy right. How can marketers find the right digital agency to manage their campaigns? Here’s what to look for. 

    People sitting at a table at a meeting

    6 Questions to Ask Digital Agencies About Programmatic Buying

    1. What experience do you have with programmatic buying?

    Recent years have brought significant expansion in programmatic advertising, including the new technologies, platforms, and regulations emerging on a continuous basis. One of the most important questions to ask a digital agency about programmatic buying is how familiar they are with the industry, because experienced digital agencies understand these nuances, possess in-depth knowledge of best practices, and can navigate the evolving landscape effectively. Agencies merely adding new capabilities to say they have it might lack the necessary expertise, leading to suboptimal results and wasted time and resources for their clients.

    2. What technology do you use?

    Knowing what type of technology stack a digital agency uses for programmatic buying, including the specific Demand-Side Platform (DSP) and Data Management Platform (DMP), is crucial because it directly impacts campaign performance, data targeting capabilities, and overall effectiveness. The choice of DSP and DMP determines how well an agency can align with their client’s campaign objectives and influence their ability to reach and engage the target audience.

    3. What services do you offer?

    Knowing the full scope of services a digital agency offers, such as campaigns for display, video, native, mobile, and more, is vital to understanding the ability to tailor strategies to specific marketing objectives. Clients must choose an agency with a service portfolio that aligns with their goals and target audience to ensure a comprehensive and effective digital marketing strategy.

    4. How do you collect and use data for audience targeting?

    An agency’s data practices directly influence the precision and relevance of advertising campaigns, impacting the ability to reach the right audience, deliver personalized content, and optimize ad spend effectively. Clients need to ensure their agency complies with a growing number of federal, state, and international data privacy regulations, uses ethical data collection methods, and employs robust data analytics to refine targeting strategies.

    5. Can you explain your approach to audience segmentation?

    A digital agency’s data segmentation methodology determines how effectively they can tailor messaging and content to specific audiences. Properly segmented campaigns can increase revenue by 760%. To maximize ROI, clients should seek agencies with a robust and data-driven approach to audience segmentation to ensure their marketing efforts are focused on the right demographics, behaviors, and preferences.

    6. How do you prevent and respond to ad fraud?

    Ad fraud can be a major drain on budgets, distort performance metrics, and undermine the trustworthiness of campaigns. In 2023 alone, advertisers lost $84 billion of their spend to ad fraud. Clients should prioritize working with agencies with a defined ad fraud prevention strategy and employ measures to detect and mitigate fraudulent activities. This safeguards the client’s investments and ensures audiences see campaigns, strengthening overall brand recognition. 

    Power Marketing: A Leading Agency for Programmatic Buying

    Programmatic buying is a complex ecosystem that requires a digital agency with the adaptability to emerging technologies and staying ahead of industry trends. With extensive experience in the field, Power Marketing stands out as early adopters of technology, evident in our proven track record of consistently delivering exceptional and reliable results to clients. Ready to learn more about our programmatic buying services? Get in touch with the team today.