Advertising + Strategy

Our seasoned team of strategists, creatives, and analysts have a strong track record of creating innovative, data-driven campaigns that connect with target audiences. Whether it's pioneering digital marketing strategies, impactful TV and radio ad placements, or leveraging social media to enhance brand visibility, our agency consistently delivers results. Our dedication to staying at the cutting edge of industry trends and technologies ensures our clients receive the most effective advertising solutions to drive their success.


Our team of motivated specialists serve compelling ads to relevant audiences through the purchase and management of quality online inventory.

We work closely with our clients to define specific digital media KPIs and goals, which informs how we develop effective creative, handcraft target audiences, and implement seamless campaigns. Then, we track, analyze, and adjust our campaigns to deliver optimal results.

Specialties: Programmatic, Search, Social

Streaming TV & Audio

We produce advanced strategies that take the complexity out of streaming media and keep our clients one step ahead.

We have access to premium content, highly targeted audiences, and real-time reporting, so we can leverage the power of streaming audio and OTT by placing media on some of the most recognizable platforms in the business — including Hulu, Sling TV, and Pandora.

Specialties: Streaming TV/OTT, Streaming Audio, Podcasts

Traditional Media

Power Marketing was built on traditional advertising like TV, print, radio, and outdoor. This has been in our wheelhouse from the beginning and we’ve only gotten better at it.

We research, plan, negotiate, insert orders, bill, track, and more — all while communicating with our clients to ensure our strategies align with their end goals.

Specialties: TV, Cable, Radio, Outdoor Billboards, Print Advertising

Media Consulting

We give advertisers the tools they need to implement
traditional and digital strategies into their campaigns, and ultimately, meet their goals.

We want to help teams develop standards, strategies, and analytical tools to ensure their projects are effective and successful. Our standards involve reviewing all schedules before confirmation and providing market feedback to ensure success.

Specialties: TV, radio, print, outdoor, digital (programmatic)

Animation + Creative

We understand bold and inspiring creative work is an essential component for any successful campaign.

Our team brings a sharp and inventive eye to a project and helps elevate creative assets across the board. Harnessing an array of capabilities, we’re able to push client content to the next level to better achieve their goals.

Specialties: Motion ads, digital creative, Versioning

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