• Interview with Dani and Jenny

    Meet the
    Co-Owners of

    Dani Witte and Jenny Threestars have been working together for 15+ years, but their journey as business partners began only a few years ago.  

    In this candid conversation, Dani and Jenny both open up about their career paths, advice, and their vision driving the future of Power Marketing. Whether you’re interested in leadership strategies, business growth, or the behind-the-scenes of a successful agency, this conversation offers an insightful look into the minds of two amazing female business owners.

    What were your first jobs? 

    Dani: “I worked at Yogi Bear Camp Resort, and I was in the Yogi Bear or Cindy Bear costume depending on the day. I ran camp activities for kids, and I taught the macarena routine a lot…ha!”  

    Jenny: “Zip’s Fast Food… it was great because when I’d screw up an ice-cream cone and the customer didn’t want it, I’d put it in the freezer and eat it later!”  

    Where did you go to school and what did you study? 

    Dani: “I went to Eastern Washington University and studied PR and Communications” 

    Jenny: “I started at Spokane Falls Community College and earned my AA, then transferred to Eastern Washington University and received my Bachelor’s degree in Business with an emphasis in Marketing.”  

    How did you guys first meet? 

    Dani: “We met in 2007…right?” 

    (both take a breath and laugh)  

    “I was working for WestCoast Entertainment and Jenny was working for Power Marketing at the time. We worked together a lot…and we met for weekly Tuesday luncheons over the course of about ten years!” 

    Jenny: “We’ve seen each other through marriages, kids, tears, laughs, and shared lots of coffee!” 

    When did you start working for Power Marketing? 

    Jenny: “I began in February of 2000; I was just wrapping up my degree at Eastern when I saw a ‘help wanted ad’ in the local newspaper,” 

    Laughs and says, 

    “Doesn’t that make me feel old?” 

    Dani: “I became Jenny’s partner at Power in January of 2020.” 

    When did you decide you wanted to be a co-owner of Power Marketing?  

    Dani: “I’ll start with a little story. I was having coffee with the original founder of the agency, Ryan, who I’d known as long as Jenny. We were catching up on life, careers, and our goals. He mentioned he was thinking about a new chapter for Power Marketing through M&A. I told him I loved the idea of entrepreneurship, but we didn’t connect the dots right away.. 

    We both left coffee without thinking much of it. Later that night, I got a call from Ryan. I figured I might’ve left my credit card on the table or something. But then he said, “Dani, it’s you. You need to be an owner of Power Marketing.”.  

    He explained that Jenny was also interested in moving into a partnership role. She was someone I already had established so much trust and respect for, so it made me excited.  

    I agreed to get on board, and we prepped for six or seven months doing due diligence on financials, operations, etc., and then we got our attorneys involved to solidify the deal.” 

    Jenny: “I had already been working here, living in the ‘thick of it’ when the transition of partnership was happening. Ryan and I would talk about our vision and goals for Power in terms of the company’s future and partnership. Dani’s name was always at the top of our list, always number one. We also both loved the concept of a female owned business – this was back in 2019 when women-owned businesses were still pretty rare We got really excited about being a female-led agency. So, we called Dani and she said yes…then BAM, we got started.” 

    What have been some of the most challenging aspects of being a co-owner? 

    Dani: “The pandemic – transitioning into an ownership role, running a business, and the level of responsibility there is when you employ others was very hard during that time. The pandemic shut down most of our internal operations, as well as our client operations, within two months of Jenny and I owning the business. So, to be honest, we didn’t think we were going to make it. But stronger minds prevailed, and we looked at the tools that we had and found different ways to utilize them for a variety of industries and clients, and we hustled to survive. Our number one goal was to keep people employed. 

    Another challenge is finding the right balance between doing what’s best for the business and its people, so we can keep things running smoothly for a long time. We’re not just focusing on the short-term gains; we’re also considering how every decision will affect us down the road. It’s something I grapple with daily in different ways.” 

    Jenny: I went from being an account manager to ownership but wanted to keep the customer service part of my job. So, I really leaned on Dani to handle all the behind-the-scenes business stuff because I just can’t juggle it all. The balance between stepping into ownership and still managing my clients as an account manager can be tricky.” 

    “Dani: “I’ll add to that. I think a common challenge in partnerships is finding your own lane and figuring out how to work well with someone who has different skills. Jenny is fantastic with our clients, and I’m good at looking at the business from a higher level. We balance each other out by focusing on what we each do best. 

    In order to get through being in a new partnership, you also really need to have that love and respect for the person, and that’s where our history has gotten us through those difficult initial stages of ownership.”

    Jenny: “We already had lots of trust there when we started… thank goodness.” 

    Both laugh. 

    What has been the most rewarding aspects of your job? 

    Jenny: “Being a female business owner with another female partner is pretty incredible for me, especially within our local market. That’s something that means a lot.   

    I also love that we can maintain and hold on to key employees and clients, and that is the whip cream and the cherry on top of all of the work. We have happy team and happy clients, and as a business owner – what more can you ask for.”  

    Dani: “One of the best parts of owning a business for me is when I trust my gut…and it actually works out!  Jenny and I really focus on doing the right thing for our team and clients, and we want to create a workplace that supports a good work-life balance and a healthy lifestyle.

    We trust our instincts when rolling out ideas and processes that foster a positive environment, which is pretty rare in the agency world. We’ve got a high client retention rate, and I love that we build strong, lasting relationships because we’re always focused on doing what’s best for them. Sometimes that means we might not be as profitable in the short term, but we’re thinking about the long game, and that’s worth it to us.”

    What advice would you give to aspiring CEOs or future leaders? 

    Jenny: “Have a strong support system – make sure you have the right pillars of support around you. The people, the contacts, who you can bounce questions and ideas off of, I think that was very beneficial for us, having good people around us.” 

    Dani: “You have to be resilient, and understand that the highs are really high, and the lows can be really low. Your support system is a big part of working through such a dynamic role. It can be an emotional and unpredictable.” 

    Jenny adds: “Have a good hobby on the side that you can go release and deal with the emotions!” 

    Both nod and agree. 

    Dani: “For me, taking care of my own health really affects how I lead and run the company. I notice that if I skip being active for a few days, I’m not in the best headspace to handle tough situations. But when I’m on top of my mental and physical well-being, I’m way better at tackling challenges in a productive and positive way.”

    What are some hobbies / passions you have outside of work?  

    Jenny: “Family is definitely my passion. I have two kids, and I’m very active in their sports and extracurricular activities, so I’m always bouncing around going from one place to the next. I enjoy the outdoors, that is probably my primo!” 

    Dani: “I have a son, and so I am really passionate about being involved with him and getting to be a big part of his life. I am very social, and I love weekend trips with friends, going out to dinner and enjoying new experiences. I am also very active and enjoy lifting weights, running, and yoga… oh, and I am obsessed with podcasts – health and mental health podcasts are my favorites!” 

    What podcasts would you recommend? 

    Dani: “There are too many to list! Right now, I am into Kara Swisher, The Daily, Huberman Lab, The Game, and Ted Business…but I like to mix it up. I’m podcasting all the time – I run, peloton, and workout to podcasts – I just love them!”  

    How do you balance work and personal life? 

    Jenny: “I guess I’m kind of old school, but get your job done first, and then go have fun. I like to dig in and meet all of my deadlines first, so that I can go home and relax. If I’m at home and I know I’ve left something unfinished, it bugs me. I get uncomfortable and anxious. 

    Dani: “I don’t think there’s a perfect balance between personal and professional life. I like to think of it like a pendulum that swings between the two, and the goal is to keep those swings from getting too extreme. Sometimes I need to focus more on home, and other times the business needs more of my time. Both are important priorities to me – and communication is key! 

    What are some goals you have for the future of Power Marketing?  

    Jenny: “I’m excited about growing our client list – it always brings a wave of excitement to the office. I’m also looking forward to keeping things running smoothly and making sure everyone’s happy with what we’ve got going on.” 

    Dani: “We’re focused on working with new clients and keeping the ones we have happy. We want to stay competitive by being on top of the latest marketing tech and expanding our services when it makes sense. And we’re committed to building a great place to work with a positive and inclusive work environment. 

    So, the vision for the company is to continue growing, but we’re not setting harsh goals, as we want to grow in a way that continues to serve our clients and employees, as well as aligning with our values.”