Successful marketing strategies rely heavily on the comprehensive data that enables brands to understand their target audiences. But what happens when these resources become less available? With decreasing access to third-party data, entertainment marketing teams are wondering just that — but luckily, first-party data is there to take its place.
Here’s how your organization can utilize first-party data, and what the future holds for your venue’s data collection efforts.

Losing Out on Third-Party Data
Over the past couple years, third-party data and “cookies” — information taken from users’ web activity — have become more strictly regulated by governments and providers. The EU law known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) started a trend of restricting companies from taking data without first acquiring user permission, and states like California have already followed suit with their own versions of these laws.
Meanwhile, corporations that control the distribution of this information have also changed course. Apple’s updated privacy agreement allows users to opt out of data collection on apps, something millions have already chosen to do.
Options for First-Party Data
Now, instead of reaching out to data vendors to learn about customers, you have to implement your own first-party data collection methods to gather that same information — and do so transparently.

Requesting personal information
Your entertainment brand already has a connection to your customers for providing the art that they love. It’s only natural that you request certain personal information — such as name, email address, date of birth, and phone numbers — to stay in touch with them. In exchange, offer updates about your organization, newsletters, or other fun content that entices users to freely provide this information.

Curating ticket purchase history — With each ticket sale you make, you gain more insight into the kinds of entertainment your fans enjoy. Use this information to curate past purchaser lists by categories like genre, purchase frequency, or average purchase volume per order. Doing so will help you better understand the audience your venue attracts and target them through marketing tailored to their previous purchasing behavior.

Collecting customer feedback — Data can reveal not only the specific details about customers and how they shop, but also how they feel about your brand. Requesting surveys and customer feedback is a great way to get information about where you stand with your audience, and how you can improve your customer experience to drive more ticket sales in the future.
Power Marketing Maximizes Data-Driven Strategies
However you plan to adjust your data-gathering strategies in the post-third-party world, Power Marketing is the ideal partner to help you utilize that data. With over two decades of experience, we can bring your entertainment marketing strategy to new heights, reaching the widest possible audience.
For more information on how Power Marketing can help, reach out today.